21 February, 2025

5 Unique Closet Door Alternatives

Spruce up your walk-in or reach-in closet by replacing the conventional closet door with unique alternatives. Check out this list of stylish and creative options to try on your closet.

The most common types of closet doors are the regular hinged doors, bi-fold doors, wooden sliding doors, and mirror sliding doors. While these traditional closet doors are great on their own, they can be too common to the point of boring.

Obviously, the closet door’s primary task is to hide away clothing and clutter. But there’s also no one stopping you from considering how you can use these doors for visual impact. This is especially important when decorating small bedrooms where every inch of space should be utilized.

1. Curtains

If you are looking for an idea that is a bit more unique than a typical door for your closet, then you can consider curtains. Curtains are going to be able to do exactly what you need them to do. They will hide the contents of your closet from prying eyes and will generally look nice. You’ll always have easy access to the items inside of your closet, and you’ll be able to find curtains that really suit your personal sense of style.

Curtains are a very versatile idea because there is just so much that you can do with them. You’ll be able to use curtains to add to the overall aesthetics of your room. You can find curtains in any combination of colors that you want, so it will be easy to find something that will suit your needs. Just take the time to pick out the right curtains for your room, and you’ll have a great closet door alternative.

2. Beads

Bead doors may not be as common as they once were, but they are gaining in popularity among certain demographics. If you have never heard of a bead door before, then you should know that it is essentially strings of beads hanging in a doorway. This creates a little barrier between rooms that are actually really eye-catching. In this case, it will be acting as a barrier between your bedroom and the closet.

When you use a bead door as a closet door alternative, you will be able to easily access your closet at any time. Just push the beads out of the way, and get whatever you need to grab. It’s a simple solution and it will appeal to people who are looking for something outside of the normal options. Bead doors come in a variety of different colors and styles, too, so you’ll be able to find some pretty interesting options if you do a bit of looking.

3. Pocket Doors

Using a pocket door for your closet area might wind up working out nicely. If you would like to save some space, then you will be able to make good use of a pocket door. The biggest benefit of a pocket door is that it can fit right into your wall. In order to install this type of door, you will need to make an alcove for the pocket door to fit inside of the wall itself.

Installation of a pocket door can be a bit more involved than hanging a traditional door. Even so, this method is very appealing. You’ll be able to move the door out of your way completely, and this will give you full access to your closet when necessary. Pocket doors are nice, convenient, and they actually aren’t even too expensive.

4. Swinging Doors

Swing doors can actually make for really interesting closet door alternatives. You will also see these doors being referred to as cafe doors or saloon doors from time to time. They swing outwards and will only partially cover your closet area, providing a stylish option for beautiful closet doors. They can add a very interesting flair to your bedroom area if you decide to make use of them.

One of the most appealing aspects of these doors is that they will make getting into your closet easy. Simply swing them open whenever you need to grab some clothes. You can even enjoy the fact that these doors will be capable of closing themselves. Some swinging doors also come with an option that will hold them open, so you can enjoy having these doors both ways.

5. Room Dividers

You will also find that some people simply use room dividers in the place of traditional closet doors. If you want to be able to hide what is in your closet without needing to hang a door, then this option will appeal to you. A room divider will stand on its own and can act as a barrier between your closet and the rest of your room. You will be able to go behind it to access the closet whenever it is necessary.

Room dividers are popularly used in many areas of the home. People often use these types of room dividers to give themselves a bit of privacy, even in cramped spaces. It can allow people to change in private and is a generally useful thing to own. They aren’t necessarily common in every home, but the people who do make use of them like them quite a bit.