31 March, 2025

6 Tips To Decorate Your Home Like A Pro

While you love your home, it’s starting to look a bit drab. You noticed this feeling increase during the COVID-19 pandemic because you spent countless days looking at your walls and floors. You know something has to be done to spruce things up.

You’re not the only one. Nearly 50 percent of homeowners haven’t updated the look of their residences in five years.

However, you don’t want to pay someone to do it. You’d rather take care of it on your own.

To help, here are 6 tips to decorate your home like a pro.

1. Make A Plan

Improvising a design isn’t the way to go. Most likely, you’ll get frustrated in one room, start in another, and get frustrated there. The result will be a house filled with incomplete projects.

Start with a plan. Go through each room and list the top five things you want to change.

Then, narrow that list down to two or three main fixes. This minimizes work time along with your design budget.

2. Go With Warm Colors

If one of your top items is repainting, then make sure you don’t go too dark are bright.

The former makes the space dark no matter how much light is available. Walls that are too bright can cause restlessness and sleeplessness nights.

Go with warm colors, particularly in bedrooms. Soft blues, greens, and yellows have a soothing effect on people.

It allows for added peace and rest. If you feel plain colors don’t work, then consider adding some soft white spaces for contrast.

3. Declutter Your Walls

Adding photos and paintings are prime ideas to decorate your home like a pro.

However, too many of these can make a room feel cramped. It doesn’t matter the size of the area, little or no white space can cause some people to experience claustrophobia.

Try to minimize the amount of space you take up. For instance, you might want a larger piece of outer space wall art instead of several small pictures that crowd an area.

Generally, reach out to an art company like Big Wall Decor. They can recommend the right size work for your space.

In addition, determine if you want the wall art in your space to have a corresponding theme.

You can work with physical or online art stores to find large pictures that can be separated into three or four different parts to maintain the feel of a single subject.

4. Soundproof

Soundproofing should minimize the impact of footfalls on all of the floors in your home. These can be powerful when you have hardwood or thin padding under carpets. In both cases, consider thick area rugs.

These pieces do more than absorb sound. They also help maintain a floor’s cleanliness. In turn, you don’t have to sweep or vacuum as much.

5. Create Focal Points

Your rooms should be both useable and showplaces. Each one should have a focal point that you or your guests admire every time they enter. One way to do this is to incorporate lighting.

The best way is to focus natural light into the room. If this isn’t available, then install rail lights on the ceiling or use stand-up/table lamps to enhance the area or a certain segment of the space.

6. Incorporate Plants

Plants aren’t simply decorative. They also help keep the air clean around your home. For instance, Ficus and bamboo plants remove pollutants like formaldehyde. Choose your plants carefully.

Make sure you research the amount of sun, shade, and water they require to thrive.

Remember, plants are living things and can be affected by changes. For instance, the leaves of a Ficus can become yellow and fall off if it’s moved from one space to another.

As you can see, decorating your home like a pro is not difficult. Nor does it cost thousands of dollars to complete.

With your plan in hand, you can make design changes that shift the atmosphere of your public and private spaces.

It simply takes time and patience to make happen. Go slow to avoid mistakes and frustration. Before you know it, you’ll have the home you want.

A mother and lover of all things practical. My blogs will help you learn about everything from creating a designer kitchen to making the most of a spare bedroom, choosing the best double glazing to the best indoor gardening tips.