31 March, 2025

8 Restaurant Design Tips You Could Totally Apply to Your Kitchen

There are several kitchen design aspects that you can borrow from restaurant designs and incorporate them into your home.

Make your home cooking to look like a kitchen restaurant with the following tips.

Maybe you want your kitchen to look like those fancy restaurant kitchens that you so much admire!  Would it not be a good idea if you have a guide to help you with the designs?

A good kitchen is not just about the food, but also the design also plays a significant role in the ambiance of your home cooking area. That applies to the equipment you use as well, so you may want to check out Restaurant Equipment Auctions to see if you can pick up anything that will fit in with your new kitchen design.

Lest you forget, make the cooking moments even more memorable by having the best electric can opener by your side to help you easily open up those stubborn cans! 

In this article, we have valuable tips to help in your quest to give your home kitchen that perfect restaurant kitchen design. Therefore, without further ado, let us dive right into it!

8 Tips to Consider while Choosing an Authentic Restaurant Design for Your Kitchen

Choosing an authentic restaurant design can be overwhelming and sometimes disappointing if not done the right way.

Imagine a visitor waiting for a meal, and then the water pipes in the kitchen bursts. What an embarrassment! This means that you did not carefully consider the plumbing design.

Therefore, to avoid all this, we have compiled tips and ideas to consider for an excellent restaurant design for your kitchen.

Here are the tips. 

  1. Be fully involved in the designing process since you know it best

The taste of the food matters a lot, but how fast you can work in the kitchen is an important consideration as well.

Since you are the one who spends most of the time there, it is only wise to be fully involved in the design process.

In a restaurant, the staff should have all their equipment at an arm’s reach.

Similarly, being able to access your cooking appliances quickly should be a priority during the design process. To ensure your kitchen is designed with efficiency and organization in mind, you’ll want to consider installing high-quality kitchen cabinets. Proper cabinetry is the best solution if you’re concerned about not knowing where things are, so getting the things you need won’t be a problem.

  1. Choosing warm lighting 

Another important consideration when designing or renovating your kitchen to look like that of a restaurant is the lighting.

Choose the ideal color temperature. Most people think that restaurant kitchen lighting should be bright because of all the smoke that dims the kitchen.

Although to some extent, this is true, veteran restaurant owners find it appropriate to have dim lighting.

The reason being, for excellent plating outcomes, the light in that area should be dim, and the color temperature should be just right, specifically between 2700k -3000k. 

  1. Designing an ideal delivery door size 

When coming up with modern restaurant design, the designers need to make sure the delivery door size is big enough to accommodate big pantries, trays, and plates.

Similarly, design your doors in such a way that it will not be a hassle to get in and out of the kitchen, particularly when you are carrying food or dishes. 

  1. Designing a water flow near the cooktop

Naturally, a restaurant kitchen uses gallons of water for cleaning utensils, tabletops, or even in their cooking, unlike a home kitchen, which uses less water for kitchen chores.

However, the danger posed by spilling water in the home kitchen is not any less than that of a restaurant one. Therefore, it is a good idea to design a water source such as pot fillers near the cooktop. 

By doing so, you minimize the danger of carrying water around the kitchen, which might cause accidents such as slipping and falling. 

  1. Installing a backup storage area

This feature may not be beneficial right now, but in the future, it might be valuable if you plan to expand your cooking area to more modern kitchen design.

Therefore, it is wise to have the future in mind by installing an extra storage area for use when the expansion needs arise. 

  1. Installing an air-gapped drainage system

We are all aware that when it comes to food, having a clean and contaminant-free kitchen is paramount. A dirty kitchen is a sure breeding ground for germs that cause nasty ailments.

In order to keep your cooking area clean, you should install an air-gapped drainpipe under the sink. This will help a lot in preventing dishwater backflow.

Furthermore, the air-gapped drainage installations have vertical vacuum spaces that help in isolating the dishwasher from the drainage system, which is an added advantage.

  1. Design the kitchen to have access to other essential rooms 

Just as restaurant cooking staff spend most of their time mostly in shifts around the kitchen area, do not forget that you might similarly find yourself spending much time in your’s too.

  Therefore, an open kitchen restaurant design can allow you to access other essential rooms.

This will prevent you from wasting much time walking up and down to get ingredients to make your sumptuous meals.

  1. Testing the layout

Once you have your designs ready, it is crucial to test the layout before starting the actual construction.

Renting out warehouse space for testing out the layout before the construction helps you minimize the risk of overlooking or forgetting layouts. 

Borrow Kitchen Design Ideas From A Restaurant

The above-highlighted restaurant kitchen designs that you can apply to your home is what you might need to get your cooking area functioning to the maximum.

That said, it is now time to go out and design your cooking area using these tips and ideas highlighted above. We would also love to hear all about the outcome of the design in the comments section below.

Author Bio:

It was like a dream come true for Holly Miller to stay a vegetarian for 3 years. She depends on her kitchen juicer and other cooking appliances that help her to make a satisfying meal each time. Likewise, she is happy to keep a healthy, mindful diet throughout her life. And she writes about food on mykitchenadvisor.com.

A mother and lover of all things practical. My blogs will help you learn about everything from creating a designer kitchen to making the most of a spare bedroom, choosing the best double glazing to the best indoor gardening tips.