31 March, 2025

10 Cool Things to Do with Bath Bombs 

There are many items to pour in your bathtub for relaxation after a long day. Items like bath salts, lotions, and bath bombs are predominant but bath bombs have exceptionally stood out. 

Bath bombs are tightly packed blends of dry ingredients that rapidly dissolve when tossed in your bathwater. They are spherical, sometimes block-shaped, and are about the size of your palm. 

They add scent, essential oils, bubbles, and color to your bathwater. Also, they bring excitement and fun to your bath and have skin and health benefits. And boost your mood to reduce depressive temperaments.

Let’s find out some great things to do with bath bombs. 

Cool Things to Do with Bath Bombs

Read to the end to discover several amazing ways to put bath bombs into great use in your home. 

1. Steal some time for aromatherapy 

Taking a bath is a special moment of relaxation. We take advantage of warm or cold water to release anxiety, refocus on ourselves, and stop the thinking machine right in our head.

To make the most of this moment just for you, why not treat yourself with an effervescent bath bomb with essential and vegetable oils?

The relaxing and cleansing properties of oils enable you to relax deeply while taking care of your skin naturally. Always remember to steal some time out of your busy schedule for your aromatherapy.

2. Create a luxury spa environment

Imagine that you’re sitting in your tub with lightened candles at the corner, dim lights, soft music in the background, your favorite drink in your hand and you’re simply having a great time. 

Now, stop imagining. It’s not enough to enjoy your aromatherapy, take it grand with a spa treatment. Brainstorm for your ideal spa and have that great bath time. 

3. Keep your clothes fresh

Your skin is fresh and smooth. What’s more? Freshen up your clothes with bath bombs to maintain that spectacular freshness.

To achieve this, put a few bath bombs in your clothing wardrobe, sock drawer, and underwear drawer for fascinating clothing scent.

4. Freshen that car now

Step into your scented car every morning with rewarding freshness from bath bombs. Bath bombs also do great in cars.

You may put some in special spots like underneath your seat. With this, you’re sure to have a fresh-smelling car all the time.

5. Take a full foot bath 

Your feet also need that good feel once in a while. Exclusively treat your feet to the spa using a bath bomb. 

Drop a bath bomb into some water in a foot bucket. Wait for some time in the water to allow the oils to gently moisturize your feet giving you that great feeling with smoother and softer feet.

6. Deodorize your feet

It’s creative how you can produce a deodorizer with a bath bomb secret formula, especially for feet. Simply dissolve a quarter of your bath bomb in some water and fill a spray bottle with the mixture to make it happen. 

Now you have it, a deodorizing spray for your feet!  This could come in handy when you take off your shoes and want to keep fresh.

7. Make bath bombs your shoe deodorizer 

Your shoes provide yet another great way to utilize your bath bombs effectively. Your shoes see the ground of every pleasant and unpleasant place you go. They may smell funky after a day’s work in them. Simply place pieces of bath bombs and drive the funky smell far away.

Alternatively, pick a date to apply a bath bomb to your shoes to maintain freshness and great fragrance. 

8. Give that floor a nice smell 

Carefully mash and sprinkle dull-colored bath bombs on the floor. It could be carpet, rug, or a wood floor. Merely apply your mashed bath bombs to maintain a great smell for your home floors.

9. Enjoy the amazing feelings you steal from fresher air

Do you need fresh air? Bath bombs can be helpful. Dissolve a bath bomb in a glass of water, pour the water in a bottle, and fill your home with great fragrance. This would give you that instant fresh air. 

Alternatively, bomb your air with fragrance by simmering water in a large pot and adding your favorite bath bomb. You may want to reduce the heat to make the water stream and produce a wonderful smell in your house. 

10. Use a bath bomb as a soap

Aside from the essential oils and fragrance used in the production of bath bombs, some contain soaps that remove dirt and clean the surface of your skin leaving it clean and moisturized. So, they work well as soaps or cleaning agents in addition to using them for their scents.

How to Make the Best of Your Colorful Bath Bombs 

Steaming bath bombs might not leave that wonderful scent for long. Keep up the amazing smell by displaying your bath bombs or drop them in a fine glass bowl in your room or a pretty dish in your bathroom. Whatever way you choose to place them, simply enjoy the breathtaking smell. 

Are Bath Bombs Safe for Kids? 

Just in case you want your kids to be part of this fun without harming them, there are bath bombs safe for them. Bath bombs are colorful and bobbly, perfect to steal the attention of kids. This would keep them excited, calm, and make their bath time yet another fun time.

Final Words

Listed above are cool things to do with your bath bombs. You don’t need a bathtub to skillfully put your bath bombs to use. You can think up more ways to effectively utilize those wonderful bath bombs lying useless in your house to design your dream home.

If you have been using them, that’s great! If not, It’s time to start recognizing and enjoying those palm-sized bath bombs. Never used bath bombs before? Give them a try.

A mother and lover of all things practical. My blogs will help you learn about everything from creating a designer kitchen to making the most of a spare bedroom, choosing the best double glazing to the best indoor gardening tips.