22 February, 2025

A New Homeowner’s Guide to Weathering Hail Storm Damage

Has your home been impacted by hail, or are you worried that it could be? The best thing you can do is build a plan to deal with hail storm damage and plan for a safer future.

If you know what to expect and how to handle the stress of storm damage in an organized way, you can weather the storm.

Keep reading to find out what you should do to handle hail storm damage!

Understand the Types of Hail Damage

With over 5,000 hail storms in 2019, there’s a good chance you’ll experience one at some point in your life.

Not all hail damage looks the same, though, so it’s good to familiarize yourself with what to expect.

From divots to missing shingles, hail storms can cause damage that could lead to bigger problems if ignored.

In really bad storms with gusty winds, there may be moments when hail moves horizontally.

The force of this hail can impact the siding and windows on your home, leaving behind pockmarks or large gashes — or shattered windows.

Hail storm roof damage is one of the most common consequences of a hail storm. Your roof could sustain cracks to its shingles or lose areas of shingles altogether.

Depending on your roof material and the intensity of the storm, you could see evidence of shiny areas on your roof, splits in the shingles, an obvious pattern of damage, or no pattern at all.

Inspect Your Home and Plan for the Future

Look for signs of hail damage on your roof, windows, and siding, and take pictures.

You’ll want to have visual evidence for any insurance claims you make. Knowing that you may experience hail damage again at some point, plan for extra protection in the future.

There are some steps you can take to prevent damage in the future. Investing in storm shutters can offer a new layer of protection for your windows.

And make sure to get your roof inspected by a licensed professional each year to ensure that it can withstand the elements.

Act Quickly to Address Hail Storm Damage

The best thing you can do after experiencing hail damage is to call the professionals. An untrained eye can catch only so much, so you’re better off asking the pros to take a closer look.

While damage to your roof might appear to be just on the surface, there could be a deeper issue.

If the hail’s force caused a hole to develop, you could have leaks and mold to deal with down the road. 

Texas Roofing & Leak Repair can respond quickly and assess your storm roof damage so you avoid these headaches.

Be Prepared

When it comes to hail storm damage, the best thing to do is act quickly.

Identify areas of damage, contact the professionals for help, and invest in some protective measures for your home. You’ll be thankful the next time a storm rolls into town.

When you’re ready to find new tips to maintain your home, check back for more great articles!

A mother and lover of all things practical. My blogs will help you learn about everything from creating a designer kitchen to making the most of a spare bedroom, choosing the best double glazing to the best indoor gardening tips.