11 March, 2025

A Guide To Getting Rid Of The New Carpet Smell

A newly purchased carpet can elevate any space but also emits a kind of unpleasant smell, so read this blog to know the key to getting rid of the new carpet smell.

There’s nothing quite pleasing than the feeling of a freshly installed carpet. However, many people find that their new carpets often come with a distinct odor that can be less than pleasant. This ‘new carpet smell’ is caused by the chemicals that are used in manufacturing the carpet, which can linger in your home for days or even weeks to come.

If you are eager to enjoy the warmth of your new carpet without that accompanying smell, all you have to do is read this blog. Here, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to getting rid of the new carpet smell and ensure that your space smells fresh and inviting.

What Makes Your New Carpet Smell In The First Place?

Before anything else, let’s first discuss what makes your newly purchased carpet smell. That unpleasant odor coming from your new carpet is due to a set of chemicals known as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

When the carpet is manufactured, these VOCs are used in certain sections of the carpet. This includes backings, fibers, and even paddings. So, once the carpet is rolled and placed, these freshly released VOCs evaporate and spread out in the air. As a result, this creates that distinct ‘new carpet smell.’

Seven Ways To Tackle The New Carpet Smell

Ventilate The Area

One of the easiest ways to banish the new carpet smell is to ventilate the carpeted area. There are a number of ways to do so. Start with opening all windows and doors in your home and keep them open for a minimum of 72 hours.

If you have items like a heater or air conditioner in your home, simply turn them on. This will increase air ventilation and remove the new carpet smell much more quickly.

If you don’t have an air conditioner, feel free to use table fans. Place the fans in a position facing out towards the windows. This will help to push out the odor and keep the air circulating.

Vacuum Hard

Another key to getting rid of the new carpet smell lies in vacuuming your carpet. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) released during off-gassing are not only present in the air but can also settle on the surface of your new carpet.

A vacuum has a strong suction that creates airflow within the carpet pile, which circulates fresh air and removes these compounds (VOCs) from the carpet fibers. This ensures your carpet smells fresh.

Important Points To Note:

  • Always use a high-quality vacuum cleaner for efficient cleaning and better results. At times, most homeowners often use outdated or sub-par vacuum cleaners and end up with disappointing results. Hence, make sure not to fall for such common carpet cleaning mistakes.
  • Always attach a HEPA filter or high-quality air filter to your vacuum cleaner to trap and remove as much dust and VOCs as possible.

Tackle The Smell With Vinegar

You can also use vinegar to deal with the new carpet smell. Vinegar is mildly acidic, which helps remove alkaline smells. And ironically, many of the chemicals that make the new carpet smell are also alkaline. So, this means that vinegar can help counteract and kill these smells. Besides, another plus point about vinegar is that it is a natural and non-toxic solution. This makes it a good choice for people looking to avoid harsh chemicals.

Hence, all you have to just do is pour white vinegar into several bowls. Next, place them evenly around the carpeted room and allow the vinegar to work its magic overnight.

Invest In Potted Plants

Placing potted plants like pothos and peace lilies in your newly installed carpeted room is a natural way to get rid of the new carpet smell. Many potted plants can absorb harsh chemicals as well as VOCs from the air with the help of their leaves and roots.

This process is a part of their natural air purification ability, which makes the air in your home clean and reduces the severity of the new carpet smell. Moreover, the soil in which the plants are potted contains microbes that can break down certain VOCs into less harmful substances.

In other words, this means that the plants and their soil work together to purify the air in your home.

The Baking Soda Hack

Baking soda is a natural substance known for its ability to kill musty smells, including the one that comes from your new carpet. It works by soaking and neutralizing basic molecules in the air that contribute to the new carpet smell. Moreover, it’s a readily available option and easy to apply.

Thus, sprinkle a good amount of baking soda on your carpet and allow it to sit overnight. The next morning, simply vacuum it up. If the smell remains, feel free to repeat the process.

Use Onions, Celery, And Apples

Another natural method to banish the new carpet smell lies in using onions, celery, and apples. These foods have a high water content and porous structures, which allow them to soak smells from the air.

Therefore, cut the onions, celery, and apples into halves or quarters. Next, place those cut pieces into bowls filled with water and allocate them evenly throughout the carpeted room. Allow them to sit overnight to maximize odor absorption. The next day, make sure to discard the food items and clean the bowls thoroughly. Remember, not to keep it for long otherwise the onion may rot and end up emitting its smell.

Deep Clean The Carpet

In addition to the above-listed options, deep cleaning is also an effective way to fix the new carpet smell. Deep cleaning methods like steam cleaning use hot water and a detergent to seep into the carpet fibers and effectively pull out the VOCs that make your new carpet smell.

But bear in mind that deep cleaning the new carpet can be quite tricky, especially if you have never done it before. So, in such cases, feel free to contact professionals at Los Angeles Carpet Cleaners for further help.

They use high-quality carpet cleaning machines as well as solutions to deep clean your new carpet the right way and ensure your home smells fresh and clean.

Some Closing Thoughts!

A newly purchased carpet improves the overall appeal of your space. But all that excitement and fun quickly fades when the carpet starts emitting a kind of unpleasant smell.

While this is quite common, the key to getting rid of the new carpet smell lies in using the appropriate methods listed in the blog to help make your home and the carpet smell clean and fresh.

A mother and lover of all things practical. My blogs will help you learn about everything from creating a designer kitchen to making the most of a spare bedroom, choosing the best double glazing to the best indoor gardening tips.