28 March, 2025

Pull and Twist – Ingenious Spring Device for Tissue Paper Roll

Ready Go Planet has finally developed a solution to the problem of excessive abuse of toilet paper roll. The environmentally conscious company has designed an ingenious device known as “Pull and Twist,” which refreshes your bathroom and reduces the excessive use of toilet paper.

The two-in-one device is based on a simple mechanical prototype that auto-adjusts the diameter of the inside of the toilet roll, making it easy to cut toilet paper at the dotted lines hence reducing wastage. When using a toilet paper dispenser without the “Pull and Twist” device, the tissue roll tends to be loose, making it difficult to cut toilet paper at the dotted lines.

Freshen up your bathroom

Ready Go Planet is an environmentally conscious company working to develop eco-friendly products aiming at protecting our forests. At Ready Go Planet, we firmly believe that it’s our collective responsibility to foster sustainable development in everything that we do.

“Push and Pull” is one of our products that are designed taking into account our principle of sustainable development.

At Ready Go Planet, we strive to develop eco-friendly products that meet the needs of today’s generation while ensuring the future generations are not deprived of the ability to meet their own needs.

Freshen up your bathroom

The “Pull and Twist” device brings a new and effective way of saving toilet paper while ensuring your bathroom smells good. The eco-friendly product helps us to protect the environment for future generations.

The new eco-responsible device works with a simple, unique spring mechanism that allows for correct unwinding, enabling users to save up to 50% of toilet paper.

Ready Go Planet offers this innovative device in three kits: the duo pack kit, one house kit, and the family and friends kit at $14, $20, and $30, respectively. The duo pack kit includes two devices and two springtime scented clips for refreshing your bathroom.

The one house kit includes three devices and three spring scented clips. The family and friends kit comes with five devices and five springtime scented clips. To keep your bathroom smelling fresh, you simply insert the springtime scented clips inside the device, so each time you pull, you will freshen up your bathroom.

“Pull and Twist” is an ingenious product for households looking to save money and protect our forests. Most families will find this device useful when it comes to saving toilet paper. “Pull and Twist” is easy to install and easily adapts to different kinds of toilet paper dispensers.

With just two clicks, you’ll install the adapter on your toilet paper dispenser, and it will be ready to use.

Better yet, the device is affordable for the average consumer. With as little as $14, you’ll get yourself an innovative product that will banish bad odors in your bathroom and reduce the excessive abuse of toilet paper roll. Start reducing your household costs and protecting our forests today by getting yourself the innovative “Pull and Twist” by Ready Go Planet.

A mother and lover of all things practical. My blogs will help you learn about everything from creating a designer kitchen to making the most of a spare bedroom, choosing the best double glazing to the best indoor gardening tips.